The first Probus Club in Australia was formed in 1976. Although they are sponsored by Rotary Clubs, Probus Clubs are simple in structure and free from the constraints and obligations of service clubs. Probus clubs provide retired or semi-retired people with regular opportunities to keep their minds active, to expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends. Probus Clubs are non-political, nonsectarian and non-fundraising.
Probus is now a worldwide movement in twenty-three countries. The success of the organisation is seen through the commitment of the members and the wide recognition of Probus as a community service program.
In 2006, due to the popularity of Probus, the two already existing clubs in Warragul could not cope with the demand, so Warragul Ranges became the third club to be formed by Warragul Rotary. We now have a ceiling of 140 members.
The Probus philosophy
Friendship, Fellowship and Fun
lives on.
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